Photodiary: Zacatecas (Part2)
1. Photo by my brother, yes I was txting lol. Part of my outfit for the 3rd day.
2. Street sign, it says Allende Street before Shoemakers. I found it amusing.
3. That's the Calderón Theatre.
4. Close-up of the Cathedral.
5. Some sweets made out of coconut I think.
6. That's a yellow "oblea" a typical mexican sweet.
7., 8., 9., Frozen yogurth!
10. More guys on the swimming team.
11. - 12. Ok, so I know what you're thinking, no I didn't photographed the guys butt, as a fashion design student I was really intrigued by his swimsuit and had to had a picture of it. But yeah he had a nice butt.
13. - 14 more closeups of the pool.
15. That was this really cute barber shop I found downtown, they had like this really cool old barber's chair, and the man had tons of old clipping hanging from the walls and stuff.
16. Leather goods store, they had the most amazing vintage mannequins and really cute and colorful leater bags that you can see at the bottom of it!
17. My outfit for the day, T-shirt from ZARA, pants from ZARA, socks, yes from ZARA, Sneakers from Converse (yeah I wore sneakers the 3 days in a row, walking around Zacatecas, specially downtown can be quite tiresome as it's all up and down and the streets are made out of rock and stuff) bag from todomoda.
So that's the 2nd part of my photo diary, I hope you guys like it and get to know a little more about my country and the beautiful things we have in here. How has your week been? To me it smells of weekend already, thanks to the ones of you who have liked BBB on FB! And if you haven't yet, what are you waiting for? On the side of this page you can find a button for that matter. In 2 weeks I'm going for a week to the beautiful city of Puebla to a Textile Engineery Congress, I hope I can take lots and lots of pictures it'll be quite interesting! I'll keep you posted. Thanks again for taking the time of reading my blog.
Esa es la 2a parte de mi fotodiario, espero que les gustara y que así consocan un poco más de mi país y las hermosas cosas que hay aquí. Cómo ha estado su semana? A mi ya me huele a que el fin de semana se acerca, gracias a todos los que han dado "like" a BBB en FB! Si no lo has hecho aún, qué estás esperando?? En un costado del blog pueden encontrar un botón para hacerlo. En dos semanas me iré por una semana a la bella ciudad de Puebla, a un congreso de ingeniería textil, espero poder tomar muchísimas fotografías, aunque no llevaré conmigo a mi fotografo consentido, que es mi hermano, pero se supone que sea interesante! Les estaré informando. Gracias nuevamente por tomarse el tiempo de leer mi blog.
Photodiary: Zacatecas (Part1)
1. Vitamin water and my bag of make up on the hotel bathroom.
2. Clothes for the trip.
3. Mexican hats for the Independence Day celebrations.
4. Street sign.
5. Drawings on plates made of turkish coffee setting.
6. Cable car.
7. Mexican Flag.
8. Random wooden masks on a store.
9. Sign outside the Mint House.
10. Outfit for day 1
11. A long hot bath at the end of day 1, reading Vogue MX's September issue.
12. - 13. This hottie is in the National Swimming Team, he's swimming this year on the Panamerican games!
14.- Close up of the pool.
15.- This chimney was located at a plaza in Zacatecas it's a monument to celebrate Mexico's Independence 200 years last year.
16. - 19. Random outfit pictures taken by my brother. Red pants from P&B, Top from ZARA, Sneakers from Converse, Bag from TodoModa, Shades from a random store downtown.
So, as I told you on my last post I recently went on a trip to Zacatecas, this is the part 1 of my photo diary. Enjoy! Also, I finally made a fan page for BBB on Facebook, click here to like it, it would really mean a lot to me if you could take the time to like it. Thanks!
Como les dije en mi ultimo post, recientemente viaje de fin de semana a Zacatecas, ésta es la parte 1 de mi fotodiario. Disfrutenlo! Por cierto, finalmente descubrí como hacer una página para el blog en Facebook, haz click aquí para darle like. Significaría mucho para mi si se tomaran el tiempo de darle like, gracias!
2. Clothes for the trip.
3. Mexican hats for the Independence Day celebrations.
4. Street sign.
5. Drawings on plates made of turkish coffee setting.
6. Cable car.
7. Mexican Flag.
8. Random wooden masks on a store.
9. Sign outside the Mint House.
10. Outfit for day 1
11. A long hot bath at the end of day 1, reading Vogue MX's September issue.
12. - 13. This hottie is in the National Swimming Team, he's swimming this year on the Panamerican games!
14.- Close up of the pool.
15.- This chimney was located at a plaza in Zacatecas it's a monument to celebrate Mexico's Independence 200 years last year.
16. - 19. Random outfit pictures taken by my brother. Red pants from P&B, Top from ZARA, Sneakers from Converse, Bag from TodoModa, Shades from a random store downtown.
So, as I told you on my last post I recently went on a trip to Zacatecas, this is the part 1 of my photo diary. Enjoy! Also, I finally made a fan page for BBB on Facebook, click here to like it, it would really mean a lot to me if you could take the time to like it. Thanks!
Como les dije en mi ultimo post, recientemente viaje de fin de semana a Zacatecas, ésta es la parte 1 de mi fotodiario. Disfrutenlo! Por cierto, finalmente descubrí como hacer una página para el blog en Facebook, haz click aquí para darle like. Significaría mucho para mi si se tomaran el tiempo de darle like, gracias!
What's in my purse?: Weekend getaway
VOGUE MEXICO September Issue, wallet, coin bag, book, shades, BB, headphones, satchel bag, and my camera which I used to take the picture.
Last weekend we had the Independence day celebrations here in Mexico, so I went with my brother to Zacatecas, because he was going to compete at the national swimming competition that took place this last weekend. That's what I carried around in my bag the 3 day we were over there, I'll post a photo diary later, how was your weekend?
El fin de semana pasado celebramos en Mexico el día de la independencia, yo fui con mi hermano a Zacatecas, por que iba a competir en el nacional de natación qué se llevó a cabo en esa ciudad. Esto es lo que cargué en mi bolso los 3 días que estuvimos allá. En estos días subiré un fotodiario, cómo estuvo ssu fin de semana?
Blazers are love
Blazers hanging from my window, black blazer from CONTEMPO, pink blazer from ZARA and white blazer from IVONNE COHEN, a lovely view.

New and old readings, VOGUE, ELLE, TEEN VOGUE, some sketchbooks, and 2 new books my grandpa gave me.
My desk with everything necessary for an evening of study, BB with my favourite Anberlin playlist, Jordi Labanda notebook, pens, Vitamin Water.
I can't believe I'm in exams period at college already, and I really want to get good grades this semester so yesterday I decided that I'd study a couple of hours, I took out my notes, and decided to read them, while listening to Anberlin (I have a little musical crush with them) and drinking some VW.
I hope you guys have a nice week and wish me luck on my test tomorrow!
No puedo creer que ya empezé el periodo de exámenes, este semestre en verdad quiero tener buenas calificaciones, así que ayer decidí estudiar un par de horas, saque mis apuntes y los leí escuchando a Anberlin (creo que tengo una pequeña obsesión musical con ellos) y bebiendo un Vitamin Water.
Espero que tengan una linda semana y deseenme suerte en mi examen de mañana!
Shades, Ring, Shirt from BSK, Leather jacket, Red pants from P&B, Loafers from a random store downtown, BTBF Bag from Oysho.
Este fue mi outfit del miércoles pasado, estoy taaan enamorada de mis pantalones rojos, son tan versátiles y combinables, he estado pensando en comprarme otro par en verde o amarillo, qué opinan? El anillo es mi ultimo amor en cuanto a joyería, me lo trajo mi amiga Denisse del DF, no está padrísimo?? Y los mocasines, escuche que estarán de moda este otoño, aparte son tan cómodos! Tengan un lindo inicio de semana!
This picture apeared in VOGUE's tribitute to Kate Moss, in which her daughter's fingers kinda dissappear on the model's back. Photoshop much? How do you feel about excesive retouching of photos?
Esta fotogtafía aparecio en el tributo que le hizo la revista VOGUE a Kate Moss, en la cual los dedos de su hija medio desaparecieron en la espalda de la modelo. Demasiado photoshop? Qué opinan del retoque excesivo en las fotografías?
Outfit: DIY Shorts
Hearshaped shades
Shorts: DIY
Suede Wedges: Downtown store
I've been pretty MIA lately, sorry about that, but I've been so busy lately this out fit is like from last week, I made those shorts myself (one of my first DIY projects) inspired by the Dries Van Noten pants from their latest SS collection, what do you think? I've noticed lately that a lot of my readers are from Spanish speaking countries so, that's why I'm gonna start writing my posts both in english and spanish.
Have a nice week you guys
He estado muy ausente ultimamente, perdón por eso, pero he estado muy ocupada, este outfit es como de la semana pasada, yo hice los shorts (uno de mis primeros proyectos de DIY) inspirada en los pantalones de la ultima colección de Dries Van Noten, que opinan? He notado ultimamente que muchos de mis lectores son de paises que hablan español así que empezaré a escribir mis posts en ingles y español.
Que tengan una linda semana!
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