Last night I went out for a couple of drinks with some friends from my highschool years, we went to this local bar, called Yambak, it's located downtown, in front of our local casino, they usually are playing electro and techno music and they also have these little cute tables on the outside for the hot summer nights that are so common in my town, here are some pics of it aaand there's also a couple of pics of my outfit :) hope you like 'em!!

Yeah! as you guys can see I hang out mostly with guys lol! they're less complicated and drama prone that us girls! Plus the rest of the year I'm mostly surrounded by girls at college so..

We went to have some beer, they drank plain beer, but me, I'm a huge fan of this drink we have here in MX called "gringa" which consists of beer, tomato + clam juice and a whole bunch of different sauces and spices such as Tabasco sauce, pepper, lemon, etc.

That's a "gringa" right there! (above)
What I wore:
Chain purse: thrifted
Neclace: mom's
Shinny leggings: shasa
Top: DIY (if you'd like I'll post a tutorial on it latter on, lemme know!! / below you can see it in detail)
High heels: not visible on the picture

Also I wanted to thank you guys for following/reading me it means so much to me!! :)
Hi! I just dicovered your blog and i love them!! i follow you and invited to you to watch my blog and follow me, if you like it!
Hey doll! thanks for your comment and thanks for reading me! I really appreciate it, of course I'll check out your blog and follow you!!